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CNN Garden
05 Jul 2023

Convolutional neural networks (CNN’s) are ubiquitous in machine learning today. This popularity stems from one remarkable feature of CNN’s: translational equivariance. Basically, this means that if I first translate an image and then pass it through a CNN, I get the same result as if I had first passed it through the CNN, and then translated it. It would be a mistake to conclude that this is the whole picture. Concealed by the familiar scenery of flat, two-dimensional, pixelated images lies a siginficantly more general framework, of which “conventional” CNN’s are only a special case. Consider:

Coral - Part 1
17 Jan 2023

I was poking around the PyTorch internals a few weeks ago, and thought it’d be fun to write my own (very simplified) deep learning framework 1. This is the first in what I hope will be a several posts documenting my progress on the project, and thoughts along the way. Coral can be found on GitHub here.

  1. This blog post has a wonderful explanation of some of what’s going on behind the scenes in PyTorch. 

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